These self-paced instructor lead courses are offered online and allow your company to take a developer with little or no IBM i experience to an elevated level of competency in a short time-frame. The courses include videos, sample programs, quizzes and use of an IBM i Partition.
Programming in ILE RPG
Self-Study – Duration varies based on activity (maximum 10 weeks)
This is an instructor led RPG class, upon completion the student will understand the latest RPG techniques. Each section covers two chapters of Jim’s “Programming in ILE RPG” 5th edition textbook. The course is comprised of a combination of lectures, quizzes, programming examples, and programming assignments. Students are invited to attend live WebEx meetups once a week to ask questions during the course.
RDi & Modular Programming
Self-Study – Duration varies based on activity (maximum 3 weeks)
This self-paced eighteen-hour course demonstrates the correct use of IBM’s RDi Development tool. Video Instruction is combined with Lab exercises to introduce the latest RPG concepts and techniques. Upon course completion developers feel comfortable using RDi, understand the importance of using new techniques, modules, procedures and service programs which are essential for integration with modern technologies.
SQL Queries Workshop
Self-Study – Duration varies based on activity (maximum 2 weeks)
This self paced workshop with labs, quizes and over twelve hours of video instruction, is an
introduction into SQL (Standard Query Language), for selecting, joining and aggregating data located in database tables. In this workshop you will be introduced to IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) – Run SQL Scripts which is IBM’s strategical product for entering and executing SQL Statements. At the end of this course your developers and database administrators should be able to generate and run SQL SELECT Statements where data located in Tables is altered and sorted, compose data located in different tables by joining the tables and accumulate data and integrate sub-totals and totals in the results.
35 Years In Technology Education Training
For over 35 years our CEO and world-renowned RPG IV and IBM i expert, Jim Buck, has taught hundreds of students, successfully placing them in high paying ILE RPG programmer positions around the world.