This self-paced eighteen-hour course combines Video Instruction with Lab exercises to teach RPG developers to correctly use IBM’s RDi Development tool. An introduction to the latest RPG concepts and techniques is included as well. Upon completion, your developers will not only feel comfortable using RDi but, more importantly, they will understand the importance of using RDi with new techniques like modules, procedures and service programs, which are essential for integration with modern technologies. The last section of the course demonstrates how to put a service program on the IWS server and consume the procedures using web services.
Class duration varies and is based on student activity – maximum of 2 weeks.
Group Discounts Available

RDi Specific Topics Covered
• Create a IBM i connection using RSE
• Create Filters (Library, Object and Member)
• Manipulate library lists
• Copy objects between libraries (Systems)
• Edit, save, and compiling source members
• Set a Service Entry Point
• Debugging programs (Batch and Interactive)
• Running a program batch / Interactive
• Create a display/print file member using RDi and Screen Designer
• Modify properties of screen and report file elements
• Introduction to Access Client Solutions (ACS)
• Getting Started with Service Programs (API’s) and the IWS Server
• Introduction to Free RPG coding
• Using “Run SQL Scripts”
• Using Procedures, Modules and Service programs
• Decoupling RPG and the 5250 interfaces
• SQL Service programs – Dynamic and Static Examples

Software Required
Rational Developer for i 9.6 – IBM’s standard development environment – FREE 120 DAY VERSION
IBM Access Client Solutions – IBM’s Java based IBM i Interface
Suggested Textbook

This self paced workshop with labs, quizes and over twelve hours of video instruction, is an introduction into SQL (Standard Query Language), for selecting, joining and aggregating data located in database tables. In this workshop you will be introduced to IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) – Run SQL Scripts which is IBM’s strategical product for entering and executing SQL Statements. At the end of this course your developers and database administrators should be able to generate and run SQL SELECT-Statements where data located in Tables is altered and sorted, compose data located in different tables by joining the tables and accumulate data and integrate sub-totals and totals in the results.
Class duration varies and is based on student activity – maximum of 2 weeks.
Topics Covered
- IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) – Run SQL Scripts
- What is SQL / Types of SQL Commands / Terminology
- Select Statement
- Generating new columns based on mathematic operations or by
concatenating character values - SQL Predicates
- Scalar Functions for string manipulating, date calculation and rounding
- OLAP-Ranking Functions
- Case Clause – If – Then – Else Clause
- Joining Tables / Views
- Group By and Multi-dimensional Grouping (Sub-Totals/Totals)
- Common Table Expressions
Software Required
IBM Access Client Solutions – IBM’s Java based IBM i Interface
Group Discounts Available

Birgitta Hauser
Birgitta Hauser worked on the IBM i and its predecessors since 1992. She graduated with a business economics diploma, and started programming on the AS/400 in 1992. She worked and works as traditional RPG Programmer but also as Database and Software Engineer, focusing on IBM i application and database modernization.
Currently she is an independent consultant and works in Consulting, Application Modernization IBM i and especially Database Modernization on Db2 for i. She also provides individual programming on IBM i to her customers. Additionally, she also works in education as a trainer for RPG and SQL developers.
Since 2002 she has frequently spoken at the COMMON User Groups and other IBM i and Power Conferences in Germany, other European Countries, USA and Canada. In addition, she is co-author of two IBM Redbooks and also the author of several articles and papers focusing on RPG and SQL for the ITP Verlag (a German publisher), IT Jungle Guru and IBM DeveloperWorks.In 2015 she received the John Earl Speaker Scholarship Award. In 2018 she received the Al Barsa Memorial Scholarship Award.
IBM Champion 2021